Sonntag, 2. September 2012


 Dear reader,

I´m glad you finally found my blog... Marys blog! And I appreciate that you obviously want to have an insight into this formative and completely different abstract of my life! But in advance you need to know some details about me and my former life:

My name is Mary, I was born in Bavaria, a part of Germany, more than 18 years ago. I am used to live in a small rural village (approx. 800 inhabitants) which frankly contains more cows than humans. Last June I absolved my A-Levels in Bavarias smallest secundary school -of course!- and decided to do an European Voluntary Service before starting my studies. When I began to  actively search for projects it was already beginning of April. However,  I needed several days to figure out the chaos of hosting, coordinating and sending organisations... Finally, after diverse phonecalls I found not only a hosting organisation in my nearer sourrunding but also a quiet useful website ( which announces hosting organisations that are willing to receive volunteers. And there it was: my project!
Announced by the HO Isla CreActiva it was described as working in different local playgrounds to teach children at the age of 4 to 14 European awareness, European and social values and even languages in a non-formal way . The setting was Tenerife, Spain. Two weeks after my application I got the message: I am in! Now the hardest part followed: more than two months waiting without knowing if the project will be supported by the EU and can even start or not. So far, these were the longest two months of my life! But the waiting was worth it: the project should start in September. I grew more and more excited and happy every following day, my parents just started to realize that what I mentioned once in a while at lunch worked out after all. It made them sad to have to say good-bye to their oldest child for almost a year. But I guess some when this day just arrives in the life of every parent. The day when they have to let their kids go, to let them life their own adventures…

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